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How iLoan Works


This is how iLoan Works

  • Loan contracts – capture and approve loan application and disburse loans to customers.
  • Loan repayment—All loan repayments can be automated or manual with a repayment order that prioritize the interest and charges.
  • Transactional Accounts - All loans will be disbursed into the customer or member’s transactional account. Customer will then decide whether to withdraw funds via MoMo or bank.
  • Customers— Add and view customers. Register your client application and assign limits.
  • Savings— Manage customer’s personal savings for different needs according to product type.
  • Shares— Customer buy shares from company and expect dividends at the end of the year.
  • Dividends— Manages, accurately calculates and disburse dividends at the end of a financial year.
  • Events—Manages all your AGM meetings and the distribution of stipends after meeting. RSVP, check-in and check-out.
  • Source Accounts— All loans will be disbursed from a company’ source account into the member’s transactional account.
  • Self-service app—USSD and web app-based self-service for members. EOD & EOM processes.
  • Reports—Generates detailed report on customer position, disbursed loans, loan amount paid, unpaid loans, loan statement, amount due, etc.


Call us at 78081012 or send a whatsApp text to 78234777 to get iLoan. 

iLoan-Pricing.pdf iLoan-Pricing.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 33
Category: Loan Management Solution (iLoan)
Date added: 2023-10-10 11:35:49
Views: 150
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (4)

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