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Legacy Lab Explained


Legacy Lab is a robust solution for financial assets search in Eswatini and is devised to establish a deceased’s financial history and expose any lost assets which are owed to the estate during estate administration. It is a systematic approach to the governance and realization of value of one’s financial assets. It consolidates the total amount of financial assets a group, company or an individual has from all the different institutions in which they invest in.

It also allows individuals and companies to enquire about insurance policies they have with insurance service providers and about one’s insurance status before they can buy another insurance product from a different service provider.  


1.  Avoid over-insuring and double insurance on some assets.

2.  Regulate the insurance industry effectively.

3.  Easy management of financial assets from a central place.

4.  A way of uniting your beneficiaries with their full inheritance while you are still alive.

5.  In the event of death, family members will be able to know which companies to approach for the deceased financial assets because some of the financial assets may not be exposed to the Master of the high Court

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Article details
Article ID: 34
Category: Legacy Lab
Date added: 2023-10-10 12:11:04
Views: 206
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.6/5.0 (5)

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